
Alberta Investment Management Corp. (AIMC): Investments in companies complicit with international law violations

The total for AIMC investments in the companies listed in the UN database and these other verified sources is $491 Million based on AIMC’s last filed Form 13F.

University Pension (Ontario): Investments in companies complicit with international law violations

The total for UNIVERSITY PENSION (ONTARIO) investments in the companies listed in the UN database and these other verified sources is at least $115 Million but as high as perhaps $250 Million based on UNIVERSITY PENSION (ONTARIO)’s most recent information.

$25 Billion of our public pensions invested in Israeli war crimes

Five public sector pension, one in BC and four in Ontario have almost a quarter of a billion dollars invested in companies that then UN has indicated are complicit with supporting illegal Israeli settlements (war crimes) and over $2 billion...

BCI: Investments in companies complicit with international law violations

The total for BCI investments in the 18 companies listed in the UN database and these other verified sources is $532.8 Million based on BCI’s last filed Form 13F.

OTPP Investments in companies that are complicit with international law violations

Total for the investments listed on the UN database as well as these others verified by AFSC Investigate and other sources is $642.7 M Million. We note this is less than .5% of the OTPP portfolio so would expect that...

IMCO: Investments in companies deemed to be violating international law

Total for these investments listed by the UN and also by AFSC Investigate is $95 Million. This would seem to be about one percent of the IMCO portfolio, so would seem reasonable to divest from quickly.

HOOPP: Investments in companies in complicity with international law violations

Total for these investments on the UN database and/or identified through AFSC Investigate is $380.5 million. This would be less than 1/3 of a percent of the total $100+B HOOPS portfolio so we would expect you would be able to...

OMERS: Investments in companies that have complicity with international law violations

While OMERS does not have investments in UN database listed companies, other companies complicit with Israeli war crimes and apartheid amount to a total investments is $461.5 Million.

Déclaration appelant le Canada à soutenir le cas du génocide de Gaza devant la CIJ

En tant que dirigeants de la société civile et experts juridiques, nous comptons sur le gouvernement canadien pour qu’il respecte son obligation juridique internationale de prévenir le génocide, en soutenant la plainte de l’Afrique du Sud auprès de la Cour...

بيان يدعو كندا لدعم قضية الإبادة الجماعية في غزة المقدمة إلى محكمة العدل الدولية

بيان يدعو كندا لدعم قضية الإبادة الجماعية في غزة المقدمة إلى محكمة العدل الدولية كقادة مجتمع مدني وخبراء قانونيين، فإننا نتطلع إلى أن تقوم الحكومة الكندية بالوفاء بالتزاماتها القانونية الدولية لمنع الإبادة الجماعية، وذلك من خلال دعم الشكوى المقدمة من دولة...