Tag - #CanadaOutOfNATO

Immediate Release: Canada joins Global Week of Action to End War in Ukraine, October 1-8, 2023

The Canada-Wide Peace & Justice Network, made up of 49 organizations across Canada, is coordinating actions in eleven cities across Canada as part of the Global Week of Action to End War in Ukraine, October 1-8. The Global Week of...

Webinar: Cluster bombs & depleted uranium weapons in Ukraine: Two more reasons to end the war NOW!”

Register for a webinar that is part of building momentum for a series of upcoming anti-war actions across the country. Just Peace Advocates is pleased to endorse this event.

Stop the War, Stop NATO! Opposing the 2023 NATO Summit

As NATO gathers for a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, we unite with pro-peace and anti-war actions occurring around the world at the same time to demand a ceasefire and negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. 

Jeffrey Sachs challenges Canadian policy on Ukraine

On May 3 world-renowned intellectual Jeffrey Sachs will speak to a Canadian audience about “The Path to Peace in Ukraine". He will be joined by University of Ottawa Ukraine expert Ivan Katchanovski who has published extensively on the 2014 coup against...

Stop the War, Stop NATO International Weekend of Action – February 23-26, 2023

As a member of the Canada-wide Peace and Justice Network, Just Peace Advocates is pleased to endorse this statement and related actions:

Press Release: Canada-wide day of action–no war with Russia & Canada out of NATO

Today across Canada, there are emergency rallies taking place in cities from Victoria to Montreal calling on the Trudeau government to de-escalate and demilitarize the Ukraine crisis. The #StandForPeace rallies are organized by peace and justice groups. They are opposed...

Press Release: Trudeau Stokes Tensions with Russia: Antiwar rallies planned across country on Saturday

January 26 2022 (Montreal) -- Today the Trudeau government announced it will extend and expand Canada’s military mission to the Ukraine. The Libera’s have already deployed special forces, expanded the scope of Canada’s military mission, added Ukraine to Canada’s Automatic Firearms...