Canadian Government Called to Condemn Smear Campaign Against Al-Haq & Death Treats in regard to Human Right Defender

TAKE ACTION We call on Canadian Prime Minister Trudea to call on the Israeli authorities to immediately end any acts of harassment against Mr. Jabarin, Al-Haq and all the human rights defenders,...


Just Peace Advocates joins with the Canada Palestine Association, and other organizations to say: Join our EVENT page In the upcoming Canadian general election scheduled for October 21, 2019, we commit to vote for candidates and parties that: • Support Palestinian human...

Make Palestine Heritage Day a Reality in Canada

Thanks to the over 1500 people who signed this petition.  It was closed when the writ was dropped, however, we will look at moving forward with another petition early in the new government administration.


We, the...

Jerusalem: What Does Next Year Look Like in the Trump-Era? De-Palestinization of Jerusalem

Thank you to all those who supported with donations that allowed the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem attend the 40th Session in March and 42nd Session in September of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights in...

Your Support Makes a Difference for Youth of Wadi Yasoul Silwan

You Can Make A Real Difference in the Lives & Future of youth in Wadi Yasoul Silwan Through your support of the Leadership Summer Camp happening July 2019 the Al Bustan Association Silwan   and the Civic...

Canada Voting at the United Nations is an Embarrassment

Will Canada’s commitment to international law and to human rights for the Palestinian people will be reflected in its votes TODAY at the United Nations General Assembly? Just Peace Advocates was pleased to join Canadian Friends of Sabeel in this call...

ABC for UNSC Seat

ABC (Anyone but Canada) for the UNSC reminds us that the last 4+ years of Trudeau government has been just a “Harper Hangover.” There has been little substantial change since 2015, and so why should we expect a different outcome if...