
2023 Letter Campaigns

During the year, Just Peace Advocates led 28 campaigns with over 120K actions taken reaching more than 6K mailboxes. In most cases this work was...

Letters that you can send

The following are letters that have been written in the past, but are updated so you can continue to send them in the context of...

2022 Just Peace Advocates letter writing: 38 actions, 105K actions reach 2.5M mailboxes

During 2022, Just Peace Advocates sponsored 38 letter writing campaigns, with over 105,000 actions reaching about 2.5 million mailboxes. These included letters to elected Canadian officials,...

Hundreds of letters sent telling Canada it needs to tell Israel to stop killing Palestine’s children

The Israeli military has killed seven Palestinian children in October 2022 alone. Demand that Canada censure and sanction Israel for the outrage of killing Palestinian...