Tag - East Jerusalem

Canada complicit with annexation of East Jerusalem

On August 20, 2023, the Israeli government launched a new 3.2-billion-shekel five-year plan (2024-2028) to develop east Jerusalem. Under pretexts of reducing social and economic disparities and increasing economic development in East Jerusalem, the Israeli government announcement also made it clear that...

Message from the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem: Wadi Al- Joz High-tech project: “Silicon Wadi”

On the 7th of February the Israeli occupation municipality, issued eviction orders to many businesses and structures in the industrial area of Wadi Al Jouz, in preparation for the “Hi tech, Silicon Valley project”.

Liberal MP sponsors petition that calls his government to take steps required to stop Israel’s violations of international law

Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith sponsors petition to Canadian government to -take steps required to stop Israel’s violations of international law, including its continued building of settlements and forced displacement in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and to end...

The Threat to Al Quds/Jerusalem

Join our webinar on Sundary, December 6 at 13:00 ET for a discussions on threats to Masjid Al-Asqa, demographic changes underway in Al Quds/Jerusalem, house demolitions in East Jerusalem, evictions of Palestinians in Palestine and Israeli settlers in Holy City.