Tag - International Law

Immediate Release: Arms Exports to Israel Violate Canadian and International Law, Says Canadian and Palestinian Coalition to Federal Government

On January 28, a coalition of Canadians and Palestinians wrote to Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly demanding that the federal government immediately halt all exports and transfers of Canadian military goods and technology to Israel.

Al-Aqsa Under Attack: Tell Bell Media it is not “clashes.” It is violation of international law.

Israeli forces stormed the Al-Aqsa mosque compound two times within 48 hours, on Friday, April 15 and Sunday, April 17. On Sunday Israeli forces attacked Palestinian worshipers in order to facilitate Jewish visits of the site for the Passover holiday....

500 letters in hours: to CBC on its dismissing of international law protection for Palestine

Recent reporting on Covid-19 apartheid vaccination again qualified by CBC, this time negating international law with inaccurate rhetoric about Oslo. Over 500 people wrote the CBC within a few hours to say this is not about Oslo, this is about ...

Update on the Cable Car Legal Case in East Jerusalem

The Israeli High Court conducted a hearing about the Cable car Annexation project, on June 29, 2020. The families of Silwan await a decision. It is reassuring that on Juy 7, 2020, 57 Canadian members of parliament have said they oppose...