Tag - Just Peace Advocates

2023 Highlights

Just Peace Advocates work in 2023 included holding the Canadian government, other governments & agencies, the media, corporations and others accountable for their complicity in war crimes and apartheid, and their silence about genocide. It included supporting those silenced and...

Highlights from 2020

2020 saw Just Peace Advocates launch comprehensive, accessible legal resources, provide leadership in the #NoUNSC4Canada, #Gaza2020, #NoCanadians4IDF and other campaigns. Undertake the first review of Canada's voting history at the UN since 1947. Launch of 4 parliamentary petitions, and over...

Just Peace Advocates highlights from 2019/2020

Just Peace Advocates second year has proved to filled with many rich partnerships and much work in support of international law and human rights for the people of Palestine and Kashmir. Read about our highlights.