Tag - Sheikh Jarrah

Sheik Jarrah Rehearing Decision

There was good news. The Israeli Supreme Court, on a rehearing, had just issued that afternoon its decision suspending all evictions indefinitely, declaring that the four families would be considered “protected tenants.” They should pay a symbolic 2400 shekels (around $800)...

Update on the force displacement of the 4 families in Sheikh Jarrah

Update from the Civic Coalition for Palestinain Right in Jerusalem about the high court unfair offer to the families of Sheikh Jarrah.

#SaveSheikhJarrah: Demand Action and Accountability from the Canadian Government

In occupied Jerusalem, Palestinians from the neighbourhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan are threatened with imminent expulsion and violent forced eviction from their homes by the Israeli occupation regime.  This is part of the ongoing Nakba in Palestine -- the ongoing...