Tag - Ukraine

Press Release: Illegal Recruitment of Canadians for War in Ukraine

We note that, in the wake of the war hysteria over Ukraine that is gripping this country, respect for the rule of law is being over-ridden by government officials and is escalating the conflict. Therefore, we call on the Government...

Press Release: Reject Zelensky’s call for no fly zone and push for diplomacy  

“Zelensky’s call for a no-fly zone is a reckless bid to stoke direct conflict between NATO and Russia”, explained Yves Engler, a fellow with the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CFPI). “It would lead to even more devastation for Ukrainians and could lead...

Press Release: Webinar – Ukraine Crisis: Beyond the Dominant Narrative

The Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War is pleased to announce that it will hold a Zoom webinar, along with several co-sponsoring peace organizations, about the crisis in Ukraine. This panel discussion, entitled, “Ukraine Crisis: Which is the cause, Russia...

Press Release: Trudeau Fuels Ukraine Fire  

“If our government is genuinely concerned that a Russian attack on Ukraine is imminent, it would make sense to have more not less eyes on the ground in the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine”, said Yves Engler, a fellow with...

Press Release: Trudeau Stokes Tensions with Russia: Antiwar rallies planned across country on Saturday

January 26 2022 (Montreal) -- Today the Trudeau government announced it will extend and expand Canada’s military mission to the Ukraine. The Libera’s have already deployed special forces, expanded the scope of Canada’s military mission, added Ukraine to Canada’s Automatic Firearms...


Canada is playing a very concerning role in fomenting the dangerous, escalating conflict in Ukraine between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Government of the Russian Federation. Read press release and take action.