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CPP investments continue to support Israeli war crimes

The Naksa. June 5, 2021, 4 years of military occupation in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian Golan territories. The recent 2021 CPPIB Annual Report while showing that CPPIB has divested from General Mills, indicates increased investments in Israeli war crimes with...

Toronto police prioritize washable paint, ignore Israel consul’s violations of federal Foreign Enlistment Act

The Toronto Police reaction highlights the impunity with which Israel is favoured in Canada.  Israeli Consul General Galit Baram was listed as one of those who should be investigated for violating Canada’s Foreign Enlistment Act which states “Any person who, within Canada, recruits or otherwise induces any person . . ....

Call for Action HRC 30th Special Session

On 27 May 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) will hold a Special Session in relation to the escalating human rights violations against the Palestinian people on both sides of the Green Line. What you can do to take action.

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