Ongoing Campaigns

Just Peace Advocates campaigns provide education, and to engage civil society to hold our government, media, institutions and others accountable in relation to international law and human rights. These are specific to Palestine and Kashmir,  as well as in support of other work related to self-determination, human rights, international law and the rule of law. We also partner with and support other organizations in campaigns.  We stand against the tools of the colonizer in Palestine, in Kashmir, across Turtle Island and around the world.

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#Justice4ElHalabi  Twitter Storm and Social Media Campaign Sunday, February 28 10 am Pacific - 1 pm Eastern - 7 pm central Europe - 8 pm Palestine Use the hashtag: #Justice4ElHalabi Write letter to Canadian government Mohammed El-Halabi is the former director of World Vision in Gaza....

Palestinian Flag on rooftop of home in Silwan

Take action: East Jerusalem under Threat

Let Canadian government know you are concerned about evictions in East Jerusalem. Sign Parliamentary Petition On the 15th of February 2021, the Israeli district court rejected the appeal of the four families in Sheikh Jarrah, Skafi, Al Qasim, Al Jaouni, and...


In 1948, during the Nakba (the Catastrophe) 700,000 Palestinians were expelled and 600 villages were destroyed by zionist forces. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 provided for the right of return of those who were expelled.  Over seven decades later the people of Palestine wait for the right of return to be realized.  In 1967, the Israeli state occupied Palestine’s West Bank including East Jerusalem and Gaza.  Today, the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territory continues, along with the occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights.

This brutal occupation continues with violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention, aka war crimes, including but not limited to illegal settlements by the occupier in the occupied territory, removing prisoners from the occupied territory to the occupiers territory, and failing to provide the rights and needs of the occupied people.

The Nation-State which is Israeli Basic Law openly proclaims not only that Israel is a Jewish state, and the state of all Jewish people, but that it is specifically NOT the state of all its citizens, and that ONLY the Jewish people have the right of self-determination in the state of Israel.  This crime of apartheid is prohibited under Protocol 1 of the Geneva Convention of 1977, and is designated as a crime under Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.  It is also prohibited under the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of apartheid adopted by the UN in 1973.

It is in this regard of freedom, equality and justice, that Just Peace Advocates does its work, specifically related to realizing the right of return, exposing the apartheid nature of the zionist state, and the addressing of violations of international law (war crimes) and human right violations.

Our feature campaign for Palestine is in support of the Al Haq campaign #Gaza2020

Feature Campaign

Al-Haq’s Gaza 20/20 campaign is internationally focused on bringing consciousness to the grave situation in Gaza, and hold the Israeli government accountable. In Canada, we are calling for Sanctions on Israel until the blockade on Gaza is lifted.

WSP Global: updated submission to the UN database

WSP’s involvement in the decade-long Jerusalem Light Rail project along with its ongoing involvement should finally result in its addition to the UN database. On 15 September 2022, an initial submission was made to the Office of the High Commissioner for...

Zionist Philanthropy and Palestinian Erasure: and the Mizrachi Organization of Canada, Miles Howe, June 11, 2024

by Dr. Miles Howe, June 11, 2024, published initially in State Crime Journal Original publication: Author(s): Miles Howe 1 Publication date Pub: 11 June 2024 Journal: State Crime Journal Publisher: Pluto Journals Keywords: Charity, Zionism, philanthropic crime, Palestinian sovereignty, Canada Zionist Philanthropy and Palestinian Erasure: and the Mizrachi Organization of Canada – ScienceOpen Abstract This article examines...

Jagmeet Singh smears anti-genocide protesters

Jagmeet's post on X that “Mount Sinai Hospital was targeted because of its ties to the Jewish community” is absolutely baseless. In fact, Singh's statement perpetuates anti-Palestinian racism as it distracts from the 1.5 million desperate people Israel is currently...

Global Rally Against Complicity in Gaza Genocide

The global rally was a response to Canada and other governments' unconscionable decision to defund the UN aid agency for Palestinians (UNRWA) immediately after the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel is plausibly committing genocide, including through deprivation of...

Trudeau must support Israel genocide case

On, January 10, 2023, Canadian Foreign Affairs Institute with Just Peace Advocates hosted a press conference calling on Trudeau to support South Africa’s case to the ICJ with the South African High Commissioner, the Palestinian Authority’s representative in Ottawa, Richard Falk, Avi...

Letters that you can send

The following are letters that have been written in the past, but are updated so you can continue to send them in the context of the current genocide underway by Israel.

Alex Saab is Free! but the work continues…

The return of Alex Saab on December 20, 2023 to Venezuela is a victory against the inhuman U.S. blockade on Venezuela and for oppressed people around the world who struggle for justice and freedom against U.S. and NATO led wars,...

Gaza Health System in Final Stage of Collapse

On November 11, 2023, the health sector of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network made an urgent call to the world to act immediately.   Take a minute and ask Prime Minister Trudeau and Global Affairs Minister Joly how they will respond. Persistent targeting of...

Just Peace Advocates on Rabble Radio

This week on rabble radio, rabble editor Nick Seebruch speaks with Karen Rodman, executive director of Just Peace Advocates. Just Peace Advocates is engaged in advocacy around the protection of human rights of Palestinians and offers advice and support to...

Defend Sarah Jama, stop the attack on Gaza

Jama’s treatment exemplifies a history of marginalizing racialized voices. It is critical that we do not allow her to be silenced for defending Palestinian lives. For her integrity, courage and principled opposition to Israel’s violence in Palestine, Sarah Jama should be...

The Laws of War

Under international law, the Gaza Strip continues to be part of the Israeli occupied territory, and its status is governed by the Geneva and Hague Conventions regarding “belligerent occupation.” Yet for many years, Israeli apologists often used the redeployment of Israeli forces...

Press Release: Rally to defend Sarah Jama 

On Monday, Ontario NDP MPP Sarah Jama was censured by the Ontario legislature for her criticism of Israel, which has killed 6500 Palestinians over the past two weeks. Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles expelled Jama from the party caucus. join the on line...

Kashmir tea set

Kashmir Human Rights Updates – September 2023

 In September 2023, Indian authorities continued to commit grave human rights violations in Indian-administered Kashmir (IAK). Indian forces killed at least 11 people and arbitrarily detained at least 24, including journalist Majid Hyderi. Indian authorities continued to enhance their social...


Just Peace Advocates joins in signing a  call on Prosecutor Khan to Issue Arrest Warrants, Investigate Israeli Crimes and Intervene to Deter Incitement to Commit Genocide in Gaza

On 19 October 2023, 100 civil society organisations (CSOs), including Palestinian organisations monitoring and documenting violations of international humanitarian law against Palestinian civilians in the occupied Gaza Strip, and Genocide Scholars sent a letter to Karim Khan, Prosecutor of the...

Trudeau: Stop enabling genocide in Gaza

On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, Israel killed at least 500 at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. Some among the one million Palestinians displaced in Gaza had sought refuge there. Hours before this assault, Israel bombed a UN school killing six. A few...

Canada: Stop Arming Israel

Weapons companies across Canada are making a fortune off of the carnage in Gaza and the occupation of Palestine. For the first time, with our friends at World BEYOND War, we've made public a list of 13 weapons companies across Canada...

Regavim: Canadian charitable donations are funding indigenous erasure

Good Shepherd Collective in partnership with several organizations, including the Youth of Sumud, the Popular Struggle Coordinating Committee, the Hebron Defense Committee, Human Rights Defenders, Jisoor, and Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste,  has published a detailed 48-page report on the Israeli settler organization Regavim....

Advocates demand proper consideration for AI regulation

SEPTEMBER 25 2023 — Today 45 leading civil society organisations, experts and academics released an open letter to Industry, Science, and Economic Development (ISED) Minister François-Philippe Champagne outlining key concerns with the current draft of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA), currently...

Canada complicit with annexation of East Jerusalem

On August 20, 2023, the Israeli government launched a new 3.2-billion-shekel five-year plan (2024-2028) to develop east Jerusalem. Under pretexts of reducing social and economic disparities and increasing economic development in East Jerusalem, the Israeli government announcement also made it clear that...

Jonathan Kuttab Releases Memoir

Read Jonathan’s story that begins as a  child growing up in Palestine before the 1967 Naksa. Going to school in the US, Jonathan became a lawyer, where he worked in NYC/Wall Street. Jonathan in the late 1970s, returned to Palestine...

Take Action: Lululemon Dressing up Apartheid!

Lululemon recently opened its first store in Israel and has plans to open seven more. Take Action: write to lululemon CEO Calvin McDonald, to let him know you will not be buying lululemon as long as they are selling products in apartheid Israel.

Jeffrey Sachs challenges Canadian policy on Ukraine

On May 3 world-renowned intellectual Jeffrey Sachs will speak to a Canadian audience about “The Path to Peace in Ukraine". He will be joined by University of Ottawa Ukraine expert Ivan Katchanovski who has published extensively on the 2014 coup against...

Anti-Sanctions Book Tour Canada, April 2023

During April 2023, an anti-sanctions book tour took place in Hamilton. Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, as well as a webinar. You can watch the webinar and materials to learn more about Canada's use of sanctions, and to purchase the book...

No Israeli Military Visits in Canada

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Lt. Col. Eyal Dror is scheduled to speak at multiple locations across Canada in the coming days. He will be at two university campuses, Toronto Metropolitan on March 27 and University of Manitoba on March 28. As similar...

NEW REPORT: The RSS Network in Canada

Just Peace Advocates welcomes this new report by the National Canadian Council of Muslims (NCCM) and the World Sikh Organization (WSO) of Canada. NCCM and WSO released this major new report this week—The RSS Network in Canada, which provides a...

Colonialism is Not Charity: Defunding Palestinian racism

“Colonialism is not charity” will explore what may be Canada’s most important contribution to Palestinian dispossession. Under the cover of charity, organizations are bilking Canadian taxpayers to fund the Israeli colonial project. This webinar will look at efforts to disrupt...


Join a discussion of the latest developments in key regions of the world with several authors of the new anthology: SANCTIONS: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy.  Also, read about Canada's far reaching sanctions but lack of holding imperial powers of...

The Campaign to Free the Holy Land Foundation 5

Just Peace Advocates joins with Within Our Lifetime, United for Palestine (WOL), Coalition for Civil Freedoms (CCF), Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoner Solidarity Network and other organizations in supporting The Campaign to Free the Holy Land Foundation 5

Media Release: International human rights organizations call for release of Khurram Parvez after one year of arbitrary detention

Today marks one-year since the Indian authorities arrested Khurram Parvez a widely respected human rights defender. Yesterday, leading human rights organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and others said “the Indian authorities must release Parvez immediately and...

Silencing Palestine in the Education System

Contact your local school board (administration, trustees, educators) and share the webinar and the anti-Palestinian racism report for the Canadian Lawyers' Association. Contact local federations, unions and other organizations involved in education including parent organizations, and your provincial/territorial Ministry...

CPPIB Public Meetings Report 2022

From October 4th to November 1st, 2022, dozens of activists showed up at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s (CPPIB) biannual public meetings. Attendees in Vancouver, Regina, Winnipeg, London, Halifax, and St. John demanded that the Canada Pension Plan, which...

Membres du Groupe interparlementaire Canada-Israël (GICI) de la délégation parlementaire du Bloc québécois : Que le Canada dise à Israël : cessez de tuer les enfants de la Palestine !

On dit que la candeur est le meilleur témoignage de l’amitié. Puisque le Groupe interparlementaire Canada-Israël promeut « une amitié plus étroite », ainsi qu’une « coopération plus soutenue » entre les députées et députés au Parlement canadien et celles et ceux à la...

#FundPeaceNotWar Week of Action

Just Peace Advocates is pleased to be part of the Canada Wide Peace and Justice Network. From October 15th to 23rd, join in demanding NO new fighter jets, warships, or drones! We need billions for housing, health care, jobs and climate,...

International Peace Day

The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network, an association of numerous organizations from coast to coast in Canada working for peace, calls for all peace-loving and concerned people to stand up and speak up for genuine and lasting peace on September...

105 منظمات تقدم لقاعدة بيانات الأمم المتحدة حول أنشطة شركة WSP في الاستيطان غير الشرعي، وتطالب مفوض الأمم المتحدة السامي لحقوق الإنسان بالتحقيق

قدمت اليوم منظمي الحق Al-Haq ومناصرون للسلام العادل Just Peace Advocates تقريراً للمفوض السامي لحقوق الإنسان للأمم المتحدة الجديد، فولكر تيرك، تدعو فيه إلى ضم شركة الخدمات الهندسية WSP Global Inc. الكندية، ومقرها في مدينة مونتريال، إلى قاعدة بيانات الأمم المتحدة...

Walking into a minefield

I am a Palestinian whose entire existence has been impacted by the world’s reactions to the Holocaust, therefore the issue of the Holocaust and how it is viewed and interpreted is of vital importance to me. Much of the Western...

Free Mohammed El-Halabi

Last week, the Israeli court finally issued a sentence in the case of Mohammed El-Halabi, former Executive Director for World Vision International in Gaza, who was convicted on a variety of charges that include diverting development money and providing additional...

Is it time to talk to Hamas?

The existence of Hamas is also the lame excuse given for the paralysis of peace talks. Since the Palestinians are divided and Mahmoud Abbas cannot (and is not allowed to) talk either with or for Hamas, it is said that...

Mohammad El Halabi Verdict

Yesterday, the judge in the Halabi case issued a summary of his verdict. The full decision has not yet been issued, but the judge said it is hundreds of pages long and may be classified. In his summary, the judge...

What is the CPPIB really up to?

The Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) manages a large and rapidly growing fund. The CPPIB however is accountable first and foremost to the federal and provincial governments, not the contributors and beneficiaries. Over the years, the CPPIB has moved...

Remembering 1967

June 5, 1967 was the first day of the Six-Day War, when Israel attacked its Arab neighbors, destroyed their airforces and armies, and proceeded to capture the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Gaza, the Golan Heights (from Syria), and the...


Salah Hammouri’s case illustrates the Israeli authorities’ apartheid regime, including the widespread and systematic practice of illegal deportation and demographic manipulation, as manifested through its laws, policies, and practices, to maintain an institutionalized regime of domination and oppression over the Palestinian...

FIFA: Suspend Apartheid Israel

Israel has violated the principles of FIFA in a variety of ways that would normally warrant disciplinary actions and even a suspension of its membership. However, the politics of FIFA have prevented the organization in the past from taking such...

Nakba 74:Commemorations Across Canada

We commemorate 74 years of the original Nakba and recognize the ongoing colonization of remaining Palestine in similar pattern of Judaization of the West Bank including East Jerusalem and the total siege and destruction of Gaza.

Disappointing responses to Parliamentary Petitions

While it was reassuring that MP Erskine-Smith sponsored E-3679 parliamentary petition calling for Canada to take a stance of support regarding the six Palestinian based human rights groups designated as terrorist groups by Israel, and MP Salma Zahid sponsored a...

Stand with the UNHRC Commission of Inquiry on oPt

Perhaps this is push back related to the response from Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association​, in partnership with the International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School response to the the call for submissions from the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry...

Media Alert: Toronto Star March 8, 2022 article, complaint to Bureau of Accuracy re “Israeli troops demolish homes of Palestinian attackers”

Letter in response to Public Editor Bruce Campion-Smith  Bureau of Accuracy/Public Editor The Toronto Star Toronto, Ontario March 9th, 2022 Dear Mr. Campion-Smith The Associated Press article published by the Toronto Star on March 8, 2022, “Israeli troops demolish homes of Palestinian attackers” has some language that is...

Sheik Jarrah Rehearing Decision

There was good news. The Israeli Supreme Court, on a rehearing, had just issued that afternoon its decision suspending all evictions indefinitely, declaring that the four families would be considered “protected tenants.” They should pay a symbolic 2400 shekels (around $800)...

Free Alex Saab Webinar

 Alex Saab is a Venezuelan diplomat the US government has illegally seized and imprisoned for what the US considers “violation” of the illegal US economic warfare on Venezuela. He was in fact assisting Venezuela in legally working around the US blockade...

Parliamentary Petition E-3810

Citizens and residents of Canada, are invited to call upon the Minister of Justice to undertake a thorough investigation of those who have recruited or facilitated recruiting for the Israel Defense Forces, and, if warranted, lay charges against those involved in recruiting...

Yes, Canada does arm and fund Israel

A webinar was held on January 4, 2022 with Ali Abunimah, Karen Rodman, Yves Engler and Jonathan Kuttab to hear about the ways Canada arms and funds Israel. It was moderated by Bianca Mugyenyi. Join in the call for a...

Just Peace Advocates: Highlights from 2021

40 letter writing campaigns, 60 press releases, a half dozen social media storms, 75,000+ individual letters written to over 13.5 M, half a dozen webinars, 8 Parliamentary Petitions with almost 20K signatures, signature campaigns to divest from CPP, call for...

Yes Canada Arms & Funds Israel

Just Peace Advocates is pleased to join with the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute in  organizing a public webinar on January 4 at 7 PM ET featuring Ali Abunimah and special guests to discuss Canada's arming and funding of Israel.

Over the last month, almost 6,000 letters were sent to RBC asking for them to break relations with Palantir Technologies Inc (PTI). The RBC has not responded to these letters, but in both the case of a letter sent by the...

Twitter storm: Free Khurram Parvez, Dec. 22 and 23

FREE KHURRAM PARVEZ!RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS IN KASHMIR!Join Twitter StormDecember 22 and 23 Tweets available just prior to storm HERE Also sign & share:Petition to Secretary-General of the UN ANTÓNIO GUTERRES SIGN PETITION “He’s not a terrorist, he’s a human rights defender.” - Mary Lawlor, UN...

Take Action: NDP must oppose F-35 purchase

The Liberals are moving towards acquiring 33% more F-35’s than even Harper’s Conservatives had planned to purchase. But the NDP has been largely silent as the Liberals look set to break their promise on the costly warplane the NDP have...

Human Rights as Terror: Authoritarianism as Democracy=

This event was organized in response to the recent escalated crackdowns in the subject regions, the launching of the US-led “Summit for Democracy” (December 9-10) and Human Rights Day (December 10). With: Carolyn Nash (Asia Advocacy Director, Amnesty International USA),...

Palestine advocacy and the law in Canada

As we approach the end of 2021, we reflect on the shifts in Palestine advocacy over this year and its interface with law in Canada, doing so in the context of what is happening in Palestine and internationally. Join Canadian lawyers, Shane...

Defending Palestinian Human Rights is not “Terrorism”

This criminalization of Palestinian advocacy is unacceptable and unfounded; Palestinian-Canadians and their supporters have no intention of allowing biased officials to suppress their democratic rights and their voices. We will continue to work for justice and equality for Palestinians, be...

Royal Bank of Canada say NO to Palantir

Palantir provides their Artificial Intelligence (AI) predictive system to Israeli security forces, to identify people in occupied Palestine. The Royal Bank of Canada has over 2 M shares valued at over $56 M USD in Palantir holdings. This relationship flies in the...

Canadian Call to #FreeAlexSaab

On October 16, 2021, Alex Saab was kidnapped by the USA from Cabo Verde to the USA. The case of Alex Saab raises dangerous precedents in terms of extraterritorial judicial abuse by the US in enforcing its unilateral coercive measures on...

Breaking News: Alex Saab has been extradited

October 16: Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro's envoy Alex Saab has been extradited to the United States - Cape Verde National Radio Canadian lawyerand member of the Just Peace Advocates board John Philpot has just arrived back from the meeting of...

Anti-Racist Groups Concerned Canada’s Proposed “Online Harms” Legislation Could Do More Harm Than Good

As organizations and individuals with expertise in anti-racism, we are profoundly concerned by the government’s proposed “online harms” legislation – purporting to address “terrorist content,” “content that incites violence,” “hate speech,” “non-consensual sharing of intimate images,” and “child sexual exploitation content.” 

In this federal election, Vote Kashmir

Join the growing movement of individuals and organizations who have endorsed the Vote Kashmir campaign, which calls for a human rights based approach on Canada’s policies on self-determination for Kashmir. Our grassroots campaign will ensure that political parties and candidates...

This federal Election: Vote Palestine

Today, a partnership of Canadian advocacy groups launched Vote Palestine: a campaign and online resource to put issues of human rights in Palestine-Israel on the agenda for the federal election. Central to the campaign is a joint platform of shared...


Cancel the procurement process for the estimated $5 B contract for armed surveillance drones; Join over 50 civil society organizations in this call respresenting 70+ organizations.

Complaint challenges illegal subsidies to Israeli military

A formal legal complaint was submitted to the Canada Revenue Agency today concerning the charitable status of the Canadian Zionist Cultural Association (CZCA). Canadian Palestinian refugee Khaled Mouammar and Independent Jewish Voices member Rabbi David Mivasair have asked the CRA to investigate...

Congratulations to Jonathan Kuttab

Just Peace Advocates joins in congratulating Jonathan Kuttab on his appointment as the Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) executive director. Jonathan is a cofounder and Board member of Just Peace Advocates.

CPP investments continue to support Israeli war crimes

The Naksa. June 5, 2021, 4 years of military occupation in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian Golan territories. The recent 2021 CPPIB Annual Report while showing that CPPIB has divested from General Mills, indicates increased investments in Israeli war crimes with at...

Call for Action HRC 30th Special Session

On 27 May 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) will hold a Special Session in relation to the escalating human rights violations against the Palestinian people on both sides of the Green Line. What you can do to take action.

Nakba 73 – Ongoing Nakba, Ongoing Resistance

As we mark the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, we, the undersigned, join together to reaffirm our commitment to the Palestinian people’s struggle for justice, return, and liberation. We commemorate the loss experienced by Palestinians in 1948 when hundreds of...

NDP votes to sanction Israel 

At the party’s ongoing convention delegates voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestine Resolution. It calls for “Ending all trade and economic cooperation with illegal settlements in Israel-Palestine” and “Suspending the bilateral trade of all arms and related materials with the State of...

Canadian BDS Coalition: 5 Years and Counting

Canadian BDS Coalition was founded 5 years ago and has highlighted many BDS campaigns over that time....#BoycottTEVA #BoycottPuma #AirCanadaComplicity #RaptorsDontGo #BoycottHP Just Peace Advocates is one of about 25 groups across Canada that are part of the Canadian BDS Coalition.

Applied Research Proposal Call

Art: The Art of Occupied Palestine, Palestinian artist: Taqi Spateen, Just Peace Advocates supports research-based advocacy. This begins with the facts that further the principles of human rights and international law. Research information is critical to support Just Peace...


CPPIB urged to divest from Israeli war crimes

Over 200 have signed on to urge the CPPIB to divest from Israeli war crimes. Write letter 70+ organizations from across Canada and around the world, and 130+ individuals including former federal members of parliament Libby Davies & Jim Manly, former UN rapporteur John...

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#Justice4ElHalabi  Twitter Storm and Social Media Campaign Sunday, February 28 10 am Pacific - 1 pm Eastern - 7 pm central Europe - 8 pm Palestine Use the hashtag: #Justice4ElHalabi Write letter to Canadian government Mohammed El-Halabi is the former director of World Vision in Gaza....

Palestinian Flag on rooftop of home in Silwan

Take action: East Jerusalem under Threat

Let Canadian government know you are concerned about evictions in East Jerusalem. Sign Parliamentary Petition On the 15th of February 2021, the Israeli district court rejected the appeal of the four families in Sheikh Jarrah, Skafi, Al Qasim, Al Jaouni, and...

hassan_diab (1)

Standing with Dr. Hassan Diab

In June 2018, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated, “I think, for Hassan Diab, we have to recognize first of all that what happened to him never should have happened. This is something that obviously was an extremely difficult situation to...

Over 2 million letters sent since April 2020

Just Peace Advocates hosted 30+ letter writing campaigns from April to December 2020, that reached well over 2M recipients, with 12,5+K letters sent. Several of these were with partners. Over 30 separate letters have been sent, including to the federal...


No illegal Israeli military recruiting in Canada

Today, October 19, a complaint has been provided to Justice Minister Lametti, in regard to the illegal Israeli miliary recuriting happening in Canada. An open letter signed by Noam Chomsky, Roger Waters, Ken Loach, former MP Jim Manly, as well as...

Canadian media repression of Palestine

Take one minute and send a letter to public editors at the Toronto Star and Globe & Mail. Both the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star have treated the UofT Law withdrawal of an offer of employment to human rights...

Canada loss of UNSC bid

#NoUNSC4Canada media coverage abounded

Ireland defeated Canada for a United Nations Security Council seat on June 17, 2020, with the minimum number of votes required to avoid a runoff. Had it been one less vote for Ireland, then the second seat open in the...

Signing of United Church of Canada and B'nai Brith Agreement, May 4, 1973

Call for Solidarity by Palestinian Christians

Most churches and Christian organizations are silent on Palestine. At General Council in 2003, a resolution was passed indicating that the United Church of Canada’s had recognized Israel as a Jewish state. Until 2012, the United Church of Canada supported...

Just Peace Advocates in the Media on Kashmir

Over the past few months, Just Peace Advocates has written op-ed in the Toronto Star, Hill Times, Mondoweiss, Spring Magazine, Richocet, and several other media, as well as appeared on webinar panels, and media interviews, in regard to the situation...


Over 1 million letters sent since April

Over a million letters sent! Between April 2020 and early September, well over one million letters were sent by friends of Just Peace Advocates to elected officials, United Nations ambassadors, diplomats, media and others.


CBC owes the people of Palestine an apology

2000+ people have written to the CBC to condemn its deletion of the word Palestine and its subsequent apology for uttering the word Palestine. Despite this public outcry, the Canadian publicly funded broadcaster continues to protest that the word Palestine...

CBC The Current

CBC owes the people of Palestine an apology

Over 2,000 people have written to the CBC to condemn its deletion of the word "Palestine" and its subsequent apology for uttering it. Still, the broadcaster insists the word falls outside its standards. Express your concern about the CBC deletion of...


Stop Bill 168. Say no to IHRA in Ontario

Just Peace Advocates indicated to the clerk of the Ontario Standing Justice Policy Committee that should there be consideration to moving Bill 168 toward Third Reading, it is essential that a very robust consultation including expert opinions be sought in...

Unholy Land

The Unholy Land by Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest

Attempts were made to silence editor of the United Church of Canada's Observer magazine, Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest when in 1973 the United Church of Canada signed an agreement with B'nai Brith. This is an agreement that continues to be...

Israeli illegal settlement

Sanctions regardless of Annexation

Just Peace Advocates states emphatically that the Canadian government needs to follow its own domestic law and accountability to international law, and put sanctions on place regardless of annexation threats or the realization of these threats.

Cut the Current

Cut the Current to Israel Electric

Israel Electric Corporation is a public company, which produces and supplies electricity to all sectors of the Israeli economy, both within its so-called “1967” borders, by the United Nations, and in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank, Gaza and...

Statement of Solidarity with Black Lives Matter

Just Peace Advocates expresses our full solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, including full support for an immediate independent inquest into the alleged murder of Regis Korchinski-Paquet who died when she fell from a high rise while Toronto...

Gaza 2020

GAZA 20/20

Al-Haq’s Gaza 20/20 campaign is internationally focused on bringing consciousness to the grave situation in Gaza and hold the Israeli government accountable. In Canada, we are calling for Sanctions on Israel until the blockade on Gaza is lifted. Urgent action requests Sign...


Since August 5, 2019, 8 million people in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) have been under complete and indefinite lock down. Thus, the current situation is urgent in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

This includes restricted movement, access to food and medicines, all in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Conservative estimates were that 13,000 children were abducted by the Indian military in the first two months of the lock down, with the whereabouts of many not known. However, this is part of over a struggle for self-determination dating back over 70 years. In 1948, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 47 promised the people of Kashmir a plebiscite to realize their own self-determination.  Still the people of Kashmir wait for this plebiscite.

Immediate Release: Human Rights Delegation Returns Home with Commitment to Intensify Efforts for Kashmir.

Canadian Human Rights delegation returns home with commitment to intensify efforts for Kashmir. Read more

Toronto, December 30, 2019.  Members of a Canadian human rights delegation have just returned from Islamabad and Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) with the vow to intensify their efforts on behalf of the suffering people of Indian Occupied Kashmir. Read more

Over 2K letters sent Request for immediate intervention of the UN in the Kashmir crisis. Read more

What you need to know

  1. The state of Jammu and Kashmir is recognized as disputed territory by the United Nations and under International Law;
  2. No state has the legal right to unilaterally change that status;
  3. India’s Prime Minister Modi’s August 5, 2019 declaration revoking articles 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution is illegal.
  4. Revoking Article 35A opens the floodgate for settler-colonial project of moving in the occupier’s own population into Jammu and Kashmir. Settler-colonization needs to be condemned and not imposed on people in the twenty-first century.

While the situation is now URGENT, the human rights and international law violations are not new. Over the last 20 years, Indian occupation troops have murdered more than 95,000 Kashmiris. Thousands of Kashmiri youth have simply disappeared. The use of pellet guns has resulted in thousands of children being blinded.

Organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International as well as the UN High Commission for Human Rights (UNHCHR) have documented the Indian state crimes against innocent Kashmiris. The UNHCHR’s latest report was released on July 8, 2019.

Canada played a leading role in formulating the UN Security Council resolution in 1948 calling for an internationally supervised referendum in Jammu and Kashmir, with Canadian General Andrew McNaughton serving as President of the United Nations Security Council,

The people of Jammu and Kashmir wait 71 years later for that referendum to determine their future promised them through UN Security Council resolutions.

Check out the following ACTION and RESOURCES

Medjool Dates from Palestine

Buy Medjoul Dates from Palestine!

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The proceeds support Just Peace Advocates' work.

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  • Perfect for gift giving
  • Great for a healthy treat or baking

Available in a case of 8 packages of 900 gram, Jumbo, Top Quality Medjoul Dates from Palestine. Shipped in Canada.  $160 for a case, shipping included.

Email: to place your order, and payment by e-transfer.

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