Tag - Media

Media coverage of complaint regarding illegal Israeli military recruiting

October 19, a complaint has been provided to Justice Minister Lametti, in regard to the illegal Israeli military recruiting happening in Canada. Read the media coverage that followed.

Canadian media repression of Palestine

Take one minute and send a letter to public editors at the Toronto Star and Globe & Mail. Both the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star have treated the UofT Law withdrawal of an offer of employment to human rights...

Canadian Heritage Minister receives letters — CBC owes the people of Palestine an apology

Almost 700 people have written Canadian Heritage Minister Guilbeault to say he is accountable for the CBC, and the people of Palestine deserve an apology from our public broadcaster.

Just Peace Advocates in the Media on Kashmir

Over the past few months, Just Peace Advocates has written op-ed in the Toronto Star, Hill Times, Mondoweiss, Spring Magazine, Richocet, and several other media, as well as appeared on webinar panels, and media interviews, in regard to the situation...

Over 1 million letters sent since April

Over a million letters sent! Between April 2020 and early September, well over one million letters were sent by friends of Just Peace Advocates to elected officials, United Nations ambassadors, diplomats, media and others.

At home and globally the media is reporting on Canada’s shameful human rights and international law record

Robert Assaly says "It seems that even when the chips are down, Canada choice remains Israel, over both international and Canadian law, at the expense of a rules-based order." Read the full article by Assaly, and other media coverage related to...