Tag - Trudeau

200+ lawyers and legal scholars letter send letter to Prime Minister Trudeau on Canada’s ongoing failure to call for a ceasefire in regard to Gaza

The message from more than 200 lawyers and legal scholars to Prime Minister Trudeau and the Canadian government, is that 'Prime Minister, your government’s actions will be judged by history, and are under scrutiny today. You have frequently passionately...

Trudeau: Stop enabling genocide in Gaza

On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, Israel killed at least 500 at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. Some among the one million Palestinians displaced in Gaza had sought refuge there. Hours before this assault, Israel bombed a UN school killing six. A few...

100+ organizations and dozens of prominent individuals urge countries to vote against Canada’s bid for Security Council seat due to anti-Palestinian positions

An open letter signed by an impressive list of organizations and individuals will be delivered to all UN ambassadors asking them to vote for Ireland and Norway instead of Canada for two seats soon to be available on the Security...