Tag - United Church of Canada

Sabeel spoke as “the Palestine” Global Partner of the United Church of Canada, but did the church hear?

The United Church of Canada (UCC) during its 44th General Council in July 2022 once again sidelined justice for Palestine, even as it global partner Sabeel Jerusalem said “one day under occupation is too long” to deny naming this injustice. After much posturing to delay...

What is required of our church to be in solidarity with Palestine? Jonathan Kuttab speaking (Toronto) virtually Jan. 29

Jonathan Kuttab, cofounder and board member of Just Peace Advocates will be preaching on "What is required of our church to be in solidarity with Palestine"" in Toronto (in person and virtual). He will then be leading discussion following service...

One day under occupation is too long: Message to the United Church of Canada

The United Church of Canada (UCC) during its 44th General Council in July 2022 once again sidelined justice for Palestine, even as it global partner Sabeel Jerusalem said “one day under occupation is too long” to deny naming this injustice. After much posturing to delay...

Naming apartheid: Palestine, media coverage and the history of a term

CBC once again ignores international law.. Apartheid is not new. Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest said in 1972 in his "the Unholy Land" When are we going to stop saying this is new or worse, and learn lessons from history.

Call for Solidarity by Palestinian Christians

Most churches and Christian organizations are silent on Palestine. At General Council in 2003, a resolution was passed indicating that the United Church of Canada’s had recognized Israel as a Jewish state. Until 2012, the United Church of Canada supported...

1972, the year the pro-Israel lobby realized it had to shut down the United Church’s work on Palestine

Assurance was provided to the pro-Israel lobby that the resolutions passed by the United Church of Canada in Saskatoon in 1972 would not be implemented. This involved stalling the sending of a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau for a meeting,...

The Unholy Land by Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest

Attempts were made to silence editor of the United Church of Canada's Observer magazine, Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest when in 1973 the United Church of Canada signed an agreement with B'nai Brith. This is an agreement that continues to be...

The United Church of Canada Taskforce to respond to 2017 call of Palestinian Christians

The United Church of Canada policy on Palstine as of 2019, does not reflect the resolutions passed by grassroots church at General Council meetings over the last 50 years. Nor does it reflect the call from Christians in Palestine...