“Erasing Palestine” on Taybeh wine & beer, presentation at World Social Forum after CBC article

Karen Rodman was pleased to present at the World Social Forum on "Best Business Practices of Colonialism: Case Study Palestine" in regard to the Taybeh wine and beer imports to Canada.

500 letters in hours: to CBC on its dismissing of international law protection for Palestine

Recent reporting on Covid-19 apartheid vaccination again qualified by CBC, this time negating international law with inaccurate rhetoric about Oslo. Over 500 people wrote the CBC within a few hours to say this is not about Oslo, this is about ...

Naming apartheid: Palestine, media coverage and the history of a term

CBC once again ignores international law.. Apartheid is not new. Rev. Dr. A.C. Forrest said in 1972 in his "the Unholy Land" When are we going to stop saying this is new or worse, and learn lessons from history.

Canadian media repression of Palestine

Take one minute and send a letter to public editors at the Toronto Star and Globe & Mail. Both the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star have treated the UofT Law withdrawal of an offer of employment to human rights...

Canadian Heritage Minister receives letters — CBC owes the people of Palestine an apology

Almost 700 people have written Canadian Heritage Minister Guilbeault to say he is accountable for the CBC, and the people of Palestine deserve an apology from our public broadcaster.

CBC owes the people of Palestine an apology

2000+ people have written to the CBC to condemn its deletion of the word Palestine and its subsequent apology for uttering the word Palestine. Despite this public outcry, the Canadian publicly funded broadcaster continues to protest that the word Palestine...

CBC owes the people of Palestine an apology

Over 2,000 people have written to the CBC to condemn its deletion of the word "Palestine" and its subsequent apology for uttering it. Still, the broadcaster insists the word falls outside its standards. Express your concern about the CBC deletion of...

The CBC continues to insist Palestine is against CBC language standards

The CBC director of Jouralistic Standards has written to the 2K+ people who have written the CBC to express concern about the deletion of the word Palestine, followed by the apology for using the word Palestine. While more thorough than...

CBC, the elephant you ignored in the UNSC defeat, the Israel factor

The Trudeau government’s voting record on Palestine at the UN undoubtedly contributed to its failure to gain a seat on the Security Council. However, the CBC hremained largely silent about this.